1. 批發貨品會經由Whatsapp發送。內容包括批發貨品名稱,貨品圖片,貨品基本資料,批發價錢,建議零售價錢(標價不能低於此價),最低批量,到貨日期,截單日期等。
2. 下單方式:如需下單 請於WhatsApp告知欲訂購貨品名稱及貨量。收到訂單後會由WhatsApp發送發票及付款資料。發票一經發出 訂單恕不能取消。
3. 收到發票後 請於兩個工作天內完成轉帳 並傳送入數記錄。
4. 貨品到港後 同事會聯絡取貨(詳見取貨方式)
1. 觀塘門市自取
2. 代或自行Call GogoVan/ LaLaMove。同事會負責搬貨上車,客戶收貨時
3. 一般存倉期為3日
如對以上流程及注意事項了解及沒有問題 我們會定期發送批發貨品給你。謝謝
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直運商合作伙伴計劃 Drop Shipping
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🏮🎎🏮 新一年衷心希望大家都要謹記:有好嘢一定要同 ozzie bestbuy 分享呀‼ 🙏🙏🙏
ozzie bestbuy 一直致力尋找合適嘅人選作為長期合作夥伴‼ 你認識合適嘅人選嗎❓ 我哋深信世界上有好多可以同我哋合作到嘅夥伴,可以共同創造雙贏嘅合作機會‼ 如果你就係合適嘅人,我哋真係非常希望與你合作呀‼ 🤝🤝🤝
隨著 ozzie bestbuy 嘅業務不斷拓展,本店正在尋找唔同領域嘅合適人選,為顧客帶嚟更多姿多采嘅生活資訊及更優質嘅購物體驗‼ 例如來自世界各地嘅買家/批發商/供應商/零售商,甚至係內部嘅合作夥伴,包括設計師,產品撰稿員,店務助理等等。 而且本店更歡迎各界嘅親子活動邀請、產品試用/試玩/試食或廣告合作‼ 👩👧👦👩🍳🛒
您係唔係緊貼市場潮流趨勢呢⁉ 有能力去搜尋產品來源嗎⁉ 密切關注時事或者熟悉網絡營銷嗎⁉ 如果你聽起嚟都感到興趣,請立即電郵到ozziebestbuy@hingfat.com.cn 或 同我哋聯繫 ,建立成功嘅合作夥伴關係啦‼ 喺聯繫我哋之前,只需花少少時間透過我哋嘅網站及 Facebook 專面了解一下本店嘅動向啦‼ 我哋真係非常期待收到您嘅好消息呀‼ 💌💌💌
I really hope that everyone will remember this in the new year: If you have anything good, you must share it with "Ozzie BestBuy"!!
Ozzie BestBuy is always looking for right person to work with as long-term partner! Do you know the right person? We believe that there are so many people in the world who can cooperate with us to create a win-win cooperation opportunity! If you are the right person, we really hope to cooperate with you!
With the continuous expansion of Ozzie BestBuy business, we are looking for right person in different fields bringing more life information and better shopping experience to our customers, such as buyers/wholesalers/suppliers/retailers from all over the world or even internal partners including designer, product writer, store assistant, etc. Moreover, we welcome all kinds of parent-child event invitations, product trial/review/tasting or advertising cooperation!
Do you always stay up to date with current market trends? Are you able to search for product source? Do you keep an eye on current events or familiar with online marketing? If this sounds interested to you, please contact us at ozziebestbuy@hingfat.com.cn with details immediately to establish our successful business partnership.
Before contact us, just spend a few minutes to understand what we do through our website & our Facebook page.
We are really looking forward to receiving your good news!